Saturday, July 28, 2012

San Gimignano, Italy

The Olive Grove
16" x 20"   oil on canvas 

San Gimignano, famous for its many towers, is where I "found" this painting. In recent years it has become quite the tourist town - loads of people flocking in to see the towers, visit the churches and all those cute little shops. They also come to see the stunning views. But if you stay and explore the city, you find these quiet corners, like this olive grove. I found these old olive trees beside a small community of houses, which spoke of a place where people live and work. The quality of light on this Tuscan spring day was as important to catch as the as beauty of the countryside itself. 

To purchase this painting please click on the Paypal logo on your left. You can see more of my work by visiting my Gallery at the Daily Paintworks. Thank you for stopping to look.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Virtual Paintout

River Scene
Soi Thana Sap, Bangkok, Thailand
13" x 9.5" oil on board

The Virtual Paintout is traveling through Thailand for the month of July. I was looking for a scene that would not only be fun to paint, but would also express the character of this unique country itself. I was captivated by the way the people here live right up to and on the river. Although this is a less prosperous neighborhood, I found a certain appeal to it, rustic but serene, you can see what I mean by clicking here.

To see more of my work you can visit my Gallery at the Daily Paintworks, or visit other sites listed to your left. 

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sunflowers (Tweaked)

8" x 10" oil on canvas

 Look familiar? Yes, this is the same painting from my last post - almost! Cheezy, I know, but I realized that it was not quite as I wanted, so I am reposting  it after making some changes. Can you tell what they are? 

All other aspects of this post are the same, so for the same links and bits of fascinating information, please scroll down to the next (last) post!

(If you would like to purchace this painting, please click the Paypal logo to your left.)

Thank you for stopping to look!

Monday, July 9, 2012


8" x 10" oil on canvas

It is summertime again, time for wonderful things, like these sunflowers! Put them with a flowing scarf and you have a still-life set up!

You can see more of my work by visiting my Gallery page at The Daily Paintworks. I also show work at Artistes de Studio, a site that features studio pieces (as opposed to plein air), and Fine Art America, where one can go to order prints and cards, as well as buy paintings. You can also buy this piece directly from me by clicking on the Paypal icon on your left.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Pink Peony
8" x 10"  oil on canvas
This peony and her sisters are all stars in a bigger garden painting still in progress. Painting them in broad strokes made me want to study them closely, to find out exactly how they were made and how to paint them. No small task, let me tell you, but worth it. 

Please visit my Gallery page at The Daily Paintworks to see more of my work. 

Another site that is fun to look at is The Artists de Studio, which has studio work as opposed to plein air. With plein air painting you are out doors, painting what you see, but in the studio you can refine and enhance your work until you get what you want!

To purchase this or any other available painting (by me) simply click on the Paypal logo on your left. Thank you.